Welcome to SPENVIS
SPENVIS is ESA's SPace ENVironment
Information System, a WWW interface
to models of the space environment and
its effects; including galactic cosmic rays,
solar energetic particles,
natural radiation belts,
plasmas, gases, meteoroids and debris.
Current version
The current version of SPENVIS (4.6.12)
was released on June 17, 2024.
System requirements
SPENVIS requires a browser with
JavaScript support (tested with Firefox
23 and MS-IE 9). Some outputs
require a VRML/X3D plugin (tested with
Octaga Player
Need help?
Beside a large set of contextual help
pages, the SPENVIS system includes a
forum ( ) where users can exchange
their experiences and tips. In case of
problems, please
consult our bug tracker system
) and feel free to post any
The SPENVIS system is developed by a consortium led by
the Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB)
for ESA's Space Environments and Effects Section through its General Support Technology Programme (GSTP).
The system is
maintained by the development team at BIRA-IASB.
Current development team: Erwin De Donder (project manager), Neophytos Messios, Stijn Calders, Antoine Calegaro & Sami Mezhoud.
ESA Technical Officer: S. Clucas (ESA/ESTEC/TEC-EPS)